I don't like the emphasis on Contrails by Airlines. Sure that is a problem but Contrails dissipate into the air and do no linger. They leave toxins but the other beast in the room are military and contracted airplanes spewing Chemtrails which leave streaks in the sky which bloom into large cloud cover. Some of the metals include aluminum, barium and strontium. These I believe are reflecting sunlight, may be involved in weather control, radar, more intense fires and more toxins in our soil, making it more difficult to grow certain crops depending on the intensity. Kman, DIGILEAK WORLD

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Hi Ken, all plane emissions are chemtrails whether they leave a contrail or not. The airplane fuel was changed in 1997. I have my information from someone who has been researching in detail for decades, he's happy to be made wrong and will always invite people to do so.

SRM - Solar Radiation Management vs ERM Cirrus Cloud Thinning https://climateviewer.com/2018/06/25/geoengineering-solar-radiation-management-srm-vs-erm-cirrus-cloud-thinning/

When the airlines are gifted with carbon credits to fly at certain levels to enhance production of contrails which turn into cirrus homogenitus, then that is simply playing weather gods.

If they fly in the troposphere those tailings take 2 months to 2 years to dissipate...

There are some weather reporting that is going out that spreads AtmosFEAR, then there is Jim Lee who has all kinds of info on this that you may want to tune into.

"Why do I have so much trouble with the chemtrail people lately?" https://open.substack.com/pub/climateviewer/p/how-chemtrails-are-ruining-activism?r=1b895l&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Contrails is what comes out of commercial planes and forms condensation like a car in cold weather. You have to differentiate that from Chemtrails which are planes loaded with specific toxic chemicals (many metals) which at higher levels hang in the air and spread.

I am aware of Jim's videos and site and did not like the emphasis on contrails and the lack of differentiation in my humble perspective. Ken man

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All plane emissions are chemtrails as per definition in the fact they are using fuels which contain chemicals.

There is no differentiation - he researched deeply for years what fuels planes were using.

However, there is in fact a real confusion between what people think of chemtrails as specific herbicide spraying - like I wrote about in my substack "Moth Math" which is a Ministry of Forests thing which is also not ok and not properly notifying the regional area residents of its spray and over spray and labeling their concoctions a "proprietary secrets"...

As you said contrails just expose the emissions when the planes fly high enough to make a condensation trail = contrail for short.

All planes are emitting emissions whether they fly at elevations to make these or not. The purpose of making them is pointed out - airlines receive carbon tax credits for making clouds during the daytime by flying at specific elevations. This is by design to prevent the Sun from warming the landscape and is intentional. They want to avoid making of contrails - cirrus homogenitus at night so that the clear skies permit earths cooling at night.

This is Weather Modification - and you can research more on the regulations here for Canada: https://laws.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/W-5/page-1.html

Would you like to discuss it with him? Be sure to he loves being proven to be incorrect about something,... best to message him on his substack.

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That to me is not helpful. Lumping in car exhaust with chemical spraying by tankers is not the same thing and naming them as such muddies the waters and confuses the public. Ken

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Well done and thank you! Amazing article.

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Project LUCY and Geoengineering the Sky with Diamonds 13 min video from 2013 - @JimLee


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